Omelan Twardowsky published the first issue of NASH SPORT in December, 1964 and each of the subsequent 54 issues after that until his passing in 2019. We have obtained and digitized 44 of the 54 annual issues published. A valuable and historical library of Ukrainian sport news which has been preserved for our current and future generations to enjoy. Whether you were part of the history and included in one or more of these issues; or you are of the younger generation and want to read about your parents and friends sport accomplishments from the past, you will want to unlock this treasure of Ukrainian sport history.
Magazine Archive

Our Magazine archive takes us back in time to reminisce about some of our local Ukrainian-American sporting events that took place since 1964. Included in this archive is the very first issue of Наш Спорт-Our Sport published back in December, 1964. Enjoy!
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